View Downtown Long Beach by Bike in a larger map
Here is how you can bike from the LA River bike path to Downtown or East Village Long Beach.
Long Beach is the most bike friendly city in the country, so why not bike to SoundWalk? See the directions below or in the notes in the saved Google Map above.

Take the LA River bike path south. After you ride under the 7th Street over pass pictured above you are near the exit.

Exit at the first fully paved path after crossing under the 7th Street overpass. The exit is pictured above.

After you exit the bike path you will cross under several bridges and emerge on 7th street. Make a right on Golden and then a 180 degree turn around a bridge support. There will be a larger mural about Historic Long Beach on your left. (photo credit: 007chux on Panarimo)

Now you should be on 6th Street which has a standard bike lane. Take 6th all the way to Pacific and make a right. Pacific has no bike lane, but it does have Bike Route signs. Proceed with caution. Make a Left on Broadway by entering the left turning lane. This is the start of the special one-way bike lane on Broadway, pictured above. You will travel about 5 blocks and make a right on Linden. You are now at the center of the East Village.

Pay attention to the special bike lane signal lights.

Almost there!

Make a right on 1st and you will will see the big yellow bike rack where you can park your bike, or just ride around to the different SoundWalk exhibits.
Here is how you get back to the LA River Bike Path

3rd Street has the west bound one-way bike path lane. Take it 5 blocks down where the special bike lane, which ends at end at Caesar Chavez Park. Right on Golden, Right on 5th, left on Maine left on 7th. Follow 7th and you are back at the LA River bike path entrance/exit. Happy cycling!