Critical Reviews
Looking to raise the appreciation of art in sound, Soundwalk 2011 brought hundreds of people and artists to the Village Arts District downtown, to listen and perform a wide range of ambient and aural noises in the form of art.
Stephanie Minasian and Jesse Lopez,
We saw about 200-300 people walking around when we arrived in the 9:00 p.m. hour. Admission was free. LB Report
It was a truly interesting experience. There were noises and sights on every block. From my show, to the other more interactive installations, my friends were both intrigued and perhaps, slightly disturbed. Sooo Good Studios
The final result, an interesting stroll through Downtown Long Beach with ambient sounds hitting our ears from all sides, able to provide you just enough of what was going on with each exhibit to draw you closer and explore. Really neat stuff. Tim Wut,
Although many entries were earnest, I have to say the ones that worked best for me were the incidental, quasi-hidden speakers on sidewalks such as those placed strategically...
...historically SoundWalk attracts an extremely diverse set of sound work, from unobtrusive low-tech installations in the trees to the immensely complex electronic sculptures... Chris Ziegler, OC Weekly
...SoundWalk continues to engage and amaze artists and audiences alike. It is, in my opinion, the best art event in Long Beach, and I heartily encourage you to go. Sander Wolff, Long Beach Post
Little did I know was just how involving this whole thing is. The sheer volume of involved locals and visitors alike was a testament to the creative spirit, with many families involved as well as the atypical arsty/hipster crowd one would generally imagine. This was no stuffy free art exhibition, this was something altogether different. From the relaxed leaving of props, sculptures, installations and gear, this was a noise making free-for-all where the visitor was every bit as much of a participant as they were sightseeing. Michael Olivarez, From the Cortex