Dirty chapsDirty Chaps is Tom Penrod and Douglas Bland, musicians who have a working relationship dating back to their high school days. After playing off and on in a variety of rock and jazz rock bands over the years they renewed their commitment and approach to music after a 25-years gap. The two reunited for a week long session of completely improvised music, playing whatever came into their heads. These sessions became first album, Rubbermaid, named after Tom’s recording studio in the Santa Cruz Mountains. They have managed to record 8 more sessions, including the SoundWalk 2012, 2011, and 2012.

For SoundWalk 2013 they perform on synthesizers guitar-based synth while allowing the participants to play on and iPads. Ann Zumwinkle and Young Summers will provide visuals via and interactive game of janken pon, or rock/paper/scissors which will trigger the projection of original visual artworks to inspire the musicians.