kenneth cameronKenneth Cameron is an interdisciplinary designer and researcher in overlapping disciplines of architecture, interactive art, and new media. His work investigates interactive, social and aesthetic potentials resulting from the convergence of digital processes with the material world. Kenneth is the founder and design director of the multidisciplinary design studio FOURWALL and maintains an art and technology blog covering interactive environments and new media at He holds Masters Degree’s in Architecture (SCI-Arc) and Information Computer Science (UC Irvine) and currently teaches courses in interactive environments and new media in the Environmental Design department at Art Center College of Design.

Jitterblock is an interactive sound sculpture designed to encourage players to participate in the construction of hybrid digital/material acoustic territories. Players are encouraged to collaborate with the artist in orchestrating a turbulent collection of amplified electrical signals, infra red sensors, whispering servo’s, metal and glass collisions. You are invited to engage with this unruly mix of digital processes, electrical signals, and materials. Lets make some noise together.