Chims for ChangeRuckusRoots, an LA based sustainable arts non profit organization, Loyola High School music and sound art teacher Steven Speciale and several Los Angeles teens have teamed up to create wind chimes, collectively called Chimes for Change. RuckusRoots has implemented several programs in East LA communities for underserved teens, building art out of recycled materials and creating pieces that show participants how art can be used to address community issues and affect positive change in the world.

Chimes for Change is one of these programs, with wind chimes being constructed by Los Angeles youth out of recycled materials and found objects. Each chime represents a community or personal issue significant to the artist who made it. Once all the chimes are constructed, we plan to make an experimental, electronically-based song using sounds derived from recordings of the chimes, composing it collaboratively with all of the chime artists.